* Build As Kingdom For the Spirits Within and Lifts Them Up to It With Squire Cubits Of Expansive Creations From Expansive Sizes and Lift Them Up Into file:///C/Users/Jamsh/downloads/1ee814d2-ca2d-11eb-aa9e--020f4a045fbf.pdfCongregates All Expansive Creations From Jon Alexander Morris And What Becomes of Its All Within It And Congregates it as a Squire Cubit And Creates Realms Progressively I Growth From Eternity to New Eternity and With Each Progressive Squire Cubit Design Creates It In This Design https://jahszion.wixsite.com/jahsportion HTTPS://iamthatiamjon.wixsite.com/sevenhornedlamb HTTPS://jonsinheritance.wixsite.com/jonssatisfaction and Creations Are All Brought Within And Beyond https://jonowns.jimdofree.com and Makes Them Progressively Greater and More Glorious and Beautiful and Wonderful and Wondrous and Gives Each The Kingdom With Jehovah As The Almighty the Father. , The Child of each Trinity and The Holy Spirit And Places The Spirit of Archangel Michael With Them As The Four Spirit and Makes Them a New Creation of "Chayot TerOphanim" For Each Ruling One in Heaven As Jehovah Had His Chayot Hakodesh For Him So Will All The Loyal To God Have Their Chayot TerOphanim and If Ever the Child Rebels Against Jehovah, Chayot TerOphanim Michael Will Hurl Them Out of Heaven To Be Refined Back To Righteousness on Earth To Be Brought Back To Jehovah Repurchased To His Flock As a Loyal Repurchased One Belonging to JEHOVAH God.*